Thursday, October 23, 2008

Law of Attraction

I read the "Secret", almost a year ago and worked on changing my ways and life with limited success.

I did not realize that there are embedded elements in my personality that cannot be forced out by just reading the book. With all due respect to the content of the "Secret" that is a must read book by Rhonda Byrnne, I have to state that there needs to be a practical approach to the "Secret".

One of the things I managed to attract in my life since I read the "Secret" is change. I attracted change in big ways, quit my mundane job and took up life with a passion. I wanted to transform my thinking, my actions and my goals.

One of the best things I attracted is "The Handwriting Analysis" course. I am just at the kindergarten level of this course re-writing alphabets but I am back to school not to learn english but to learn a new way of life that can be more satisfying.
I am assessing my personality under the microscope through every stroke of my writing, in touch with my subconscious and tuning it to what I want rather than to what my environment and my past tuned in.

So what is the Law of Attraction about?

  • We attract what we think and want.
  • Our minds have powerful energy that attract what we believe in or focus in, so if you focus on lack of money, thats what we get.
  • We attract the same people, same things and the same life because our minds are limited to a small world, our comfort zones.
  • If I believe that I am not good enough or cannot be successful then I just cant.

To apply the law:

One has to write what he wants and focus on that, believe we have it, focus on only what you want and not on what you do not want.

Let us look at how the Handwriting analysis certification course is a practical approach to the Secret.

If you have a personality difficulty with low self-worth and this is etched in your mind, it is going to be very hard to get over it.
The first step is to acknowledge that this can be changed. Then you start practicing the T bars and each time you write the T, you tell yourself that you want Self worth, not once twice but many times every day and at some point the mind believes that is "YOU"

The second approach is attracting positive people, positive energy, thoughts and emotions that attract more positive energy so you are able to practice the "Secret". The course sessions are designed to create this environment and every member attending this course will vouch for the positive energy that is abundant in these sessions.
Watching Rafi is like a large mug of Boost - "Secret of our energy" :)

If you want this post to make more sense, pick up the book "Secret" and read it. I have a copy you can borrow, let me know.

Good luck and attract the best and abundance in your lives.


Tom said...

Good article. Thanks for reminding me of Law of attraction.

But the truth is, many a times we forget about the Law of attraction for hours, months or even years together.

Unknown said...

thanks for writing on law of attraction, I have started reading

Prema Lawrence said...

Yes, I find that I have to remind myself often about thinking positive thoughts.
To say "I want happiness" seems harder than to say "I do not want to be sad".
The positive expressions have to be practiced everyday. I reframe my thoughts everytime they sound negative.

Unknown said...

Hi this is just amazing!!I cant wait to take a copy of the book from you...I must say this site is very informative.
